计算机社简介(computing club)jisuanji

Introduction of computing club



Wenzhou-Kean University computing club is founded by computer science’s students and others students whose hobby is computer. We communicate with each other about experience about learning computer and knowledge about programming by every regular activity. In the meantime, we create many projects based on their interest with professors’ help and have yielded many results.

活动回顾 Activity Review

2016 学年


Activity Summary( two relatively successful projects chosed in our activities )

1.机器人项目    上学期

the robot project last semester


Our club focused on the group programming to design new type robot which could detect the emotion of human. We make a computer program. It can record and distinguish the expression of human’s face,which is written by C# program language.

2.无人机项目  上学期

the drone project last semester


This is our important project and we try our best on it. Our goal is designing the drone all by ourselves and apply the machine learning technology on the drone. Doing the research, reading and writing the papers, drawing the sketches, debugging the equipment were what we concentrating on. We get the idea from Stanford University, who have successfully applied the AI on the helicopter. After several weeks’ hard work, although, it increased the size of the drone as well as the number of engines,  we sucessfully installed a real computer and smartphone on the drone and achieved the goals.


  1. Unity workshop

我们通过这次workshop向计算机系的同学介绍Unity3d的基础知识以及如何使用Unity制作简单的游戏。本期活动有十余人听众,主要以大一计算机系学生为主。该期主讲人姜子安给观众现场演示如何用Unity-3d配合visual studio做一个简单的游戏,在教学的同时,增加同学们的学习兴趣。在活动结束后收集了听众们对讲者的意见,有助于讲者自身的经验积累。

We shared basic knowledge of Unity3d and how to make an easy game using it with computer science students. This workshop had ten more people, mostly freshman. The speaker Jason showed the audience how to use unity-3d with visual studio to make an easy game, which motivate students’ interests. After ending the workshop, we collected the feedback of audience and helped speaker to improve himself.

  1. Tensorflow workshop

我们通过这次Workshop向计算机系或对 deeplearning方面有兴趣的同学介绍 Tensorflow的基础知识。本期活动有十余人听众,主要以大一计算机系学生为主。该期主讲人孙启明给观众现场演示如何用Tensorflow做一个简单的model,在教学的同时,增加同学们的学习兴趣。再活动结束后收集了听众们对讲者的意见,有助于讲者自身的经验积累。

We shared basic knowledge of Tensorflow with computer science students and others who are interested in deep learning. This workshop has ten more people, mostly freshman. The speaker Sun Qiming show us how to make a simple model with tensorflow, which motivate students’ interests. After ending the workshop, we collected the feedback of audience and helped speaker to improve himself.

  1. ACM workshop

由Zhang Changjiang教授主讲的,针对对ACM大赛有兴趣的同学,通过定期workshop的方式,学习算法和相关C语言,为日后参加比赛做基础。(目前已进行5次)

Lecturing by professor Zhang Changjiang, for students who are interested in ACM competition, they will learn algorithm and relevant C language through regular workshop, so as to lay a foundation for future competitions.(it has been organized 5 times).